Be free of depression, anxiety and addictive, limiting behaviours
Develop happy, healthy relationships
Be the best version of you, physically and emotionally
Look forward to each day feeling excited and motivated
Bring meaning back into your life
You can achieve all of this and more
Everybody deserves to feel like this.
Now with RTT, you can too.

Angie Vaughan has been teaching, supporting and guiding people to recognize that the answers to their imbalances, illnesses, unhappiness and personal struggles lie within themselves.
She loves to assist her clients in choosing their own personal definitions of success and happiness. When working closely connected to our chosen core values and beliefs it uplevels our awareness and self-image. We grow and become the person we need to be. The person who can meet our needs and fully embrace and get to love who we are. This generates greater self-belief and confidence in taking the necessary action to live life on purpose, no longer denying ourselves the opportunity to fulfill our hearts greatest desires as well!
Angie trained personally with Marisa Peer and is a certified Rapid Transformational Therapist. She also qualified as a Life Mastery Coach in Los Angeles, USA with the Brave Thinking Institute.
She has been running her own businesses in fitness, health, Pilates, Dance, Yoga and Holistic well-being therapies, including Kinesiology over 40+ years.
Throughout her life however, she felt she lacked direction and self-belief and so was constantly in ‘search’ of something more, but she felt stuck as she just couldn't figure out what that looked like for her. During difficult times in her marriage and a subsequent divorce, she spent years struggling to build her business to support herself and two children and she noticed a growing sense of despair, failure and dread. This worsened along with frequent migraines and then the sudden, unexpected passing of her dear Mum. She was not happy with the person she had become and decided she could not continue this way. She was forced to stop and face up to the true cause of her unhappiness - her hidden blocks and the limiting, self sabotaging beliefs that created the uncomfortable symptoms of an unlived life.
She was racked with guilt and unworthiness even though there was so much she was grateful for. Nonetheless, she was so sick and tired of struggling to make ends meet and constantly feeling unfulfilled and depressed about the thought of her future being more of the same! She had to do something different, become a different person. So started Angie’s journey in getting to know who she really was. She set out to answer some more important questions… what did she believe and why, why had she done or not done certain things and how had that impacted upon her life? What had she put her trust in, what was she not doing, what was blocking her, what was she most afraid of and why?And so on.
Angie has come to know with unwavering clarity that the answers for all of us lie within our belief systems. She had a choice. Continue to settle for feeling trapped, unhappy, hopeless and act as a victim of circumstance or face up to the unknown, embrace change and take full responsibility for the results she was experiencing. It felt scary and uncertain but the desire to live a better quality of life won over the part of her that had previously kept her feeling small and inadequate, she desperately wanted to be free of these limitations.
Angie is now deeply grateful and happy to have found her true purpose and has combined her unique blend of hypnotherapy, teaching and coaching to create a life she loves
Using her unique blend of hypnotherapy, coaching and teaching she has a proven, reliable step by step system of transformation that develops her clients be tue creators of the life they really want to live!
Her mission is to help others know their true nature and to finally allow themselves to live form their heart, passion and purpose rather than trying to fit into the opinions or demands of society or other people. You can never be happy if you live your life that way.
Angie loves what she does and enjoys practising and embodying the many tools and processes on a daily basis. It is part of who she is today. She knows that the biggest gift on the way to your dreams and living a life you love is who you become in the process. When you are in harmony with what it is you really want, it must come to you and this happens when we work in conjunction with the laws of the universe that work when you work them, but they work a certain way. You can learn this, it’s simple, but it is a process and often the letting go of the things that don’t serve you can feel uncomfortable for awhile. But I am here for you every step of the way.
The future will become so much clearer and brighter and the opportunity to permanently and positively transform your life is absolutely available to you and everyone, you just need to make the decision to say YES to better and more exciting possibilities than you have ever imagined, up until now!
If you would like to know more about how you could get to live a life you love, book your free Clarity call with me and I can assist you in deciding what your next best steps are that will move you forward to a happier, more fulfilling and successful life.
If I told you that you CAN live a happy and fulfilled life and be FREE from the restrictions of limiting beliefs, anxiety, poor relationships and health?
And if, despite your fears and self doubt, I identified the root cause of what is keeping you stuck and I guided you through the specific personal changes necessary to empower you to finally become all that you truly are…. would you give yourself that opportunity?
I help you unblock your mind by revealing what, when and how the beliefs you have about yourself are impacting negatively upon your life now.

Be Transformed
Realise your potential - free from pain
Through RTT, Angie helps you to unlock the behaviour or belief in your subconscious, enabling you to understand and re-frame hurtful experiences and releasing you from the mental, emotional and physical pain that has been holding you back.
“To be happy you have to make peace with your past, love the present, and feel so excited about the future.”.