Meditation has become something that increasing numbers of people are aware of and are now including in their daily routines. Meditation has many benefits for our mental and physical well-being and is recommended widely by the medical profession, health practitioners, holistic therapists as well lifestyle and health coaches.
An area that meditation is proven to affect positively is stress. Stress has been blamed as the primary cause of dis-ease and there is no denying that when we give ourselves the opportunity to find a peaceful place to sit, to just let ourselves be and when we attend to calming our breathing, it calms the mind reducing and reversing the stress response.
By reducing the chatter and noise in the thinking mind and cultivating some space in time where you stop, you are quiet and still enough to notice how you actually feel serves to enlighten you about who is doing the noticing here.
The one doing the noticing is you. The authentic you, your inner being and guidance system. By being better connected and aligned with your authentic Self means you can better know what truly matters to you.
You will be better able to both listen and hear what your inner being is trying to communicate to you helping you to better know what you prefer to say yes or no to. You become clearer about whether you are making choices that are atuned to your hopes, dreams and goals or you choose to actively seek the approval or attempt to meet the expectations of others instead.
The meditations available here are to provide you with a tool where you give yourself the gift of a portion of time that is set aside just for YOU.
When you invite yourself to meet with the still, calm place within you, you are fully acknowledging your own human and spiritual existence here on earth. You are becoming more accepting and open to the ‘I am’ and the infinite side of your nature. Nuturing the relationship with you is probably the most valuable, positive, deserving and empowering act of love you can ever give to yourself.
These guided meditations are done in a ‘hypnotic’ style. I have used positive, empowering words, affirmations and statements that excite and inspire as well as calm and empower. Please find a comfortable, quiet place to sit or lie where you are unlikely to be disturbed and preferably use head phones or ear buds to listen to the recordings once or more each day. I hope that you enjoy the experience and that you receive benefit in your health and well-being by gifting yourself the practice of daily meditation.
Recorded Meditations £10
Confidence is Within Me
Free to Be Me Without Anxiety
De-stress for Success
Gratitude Aligns Within Me
Healing for Harmonious Health and Wellbeing
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