“Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics”
Albert Einstein.
Join Angie and other like minded people to explore your personal development goals,

Light Up Your Life Memberships
The teachings, tools and tips contained in the architecture of the Activators and Accelerators memberships are for YOU
If you are the person who would love to be, do and achieve more in your life but have found that up until now, the doubts, fears and difficulties you have faced have caused you to be ineffective, procrastinate, delay or even give up on your dreams and goals.
All of us can achieve better results more quickly when we have a structure of support around us in which we receive the encouragement and ‘can do’ attitude we need in the moments when we stop believing in ourselves and doubt or forget our abilities, talents and true potential.
It’s not a question of if challenges come up, it’s a question of when and the most difficult obstacle in your way is usually down to the images and beliefs you have about yourself.

The great news is that all of this can be changed when you shift your mindset, beliefs and behaviours for better ones! Simple, if you know how!
More than ever before people like you and me who are seeking to better themselves choose to work with coaches and mentors because that is what successful people do! We all have the potential within us to be successful, in the way that matters to you!
As you grow in your self- awareness and understanding of the universal laws and you learn how to develop a healthy mindset through the coming weeks you will benefit from the supportive and positive energies from the group. This is powerful in setting you up for success as it keeps you accountable preventing the ‘drift’ that can sabotage you and prevent you from being, doing, giving and having all you are capable of.​
Learn tips, tools and insights to develop your healthy mind-set
Find out how the Law of Attraction really works
ï‚·Learn about the Laws of the Universe and how to work with them in creating results you really want in business, health, relationships, money and all areas in your life!
ï‚· Learn about how the mind works & how to use it more effectively
ï‚· Develop greater understanding of what it means to be an energetic, spiritual being
ï‚· Identify, re-frame and overcome limiting habits (paradigms)
ï‚·Weekly Monday Mind-set Mentor – short ‘newsflash’ video to activate and accelerate your lifestyle, health and business goals
Weekly 20 minute lessons - teachings, tips and tools
Bi monthly one hour Live Virtual Group Laser Coaching Q&A Calls
Monthly Guided Meditation Audio (Recordings of lives will be available)
Light up your life today with a monthly subscription to the
ACTIVATORS Membership Group
£97 - per month
Ready and committed to truly boost your ability to light up your life and create more of what you would love more quickly, then the accelerator membership is for you!
ACCELERATORS Membership Group
Includes everything in the Activators membership group
Monthly BONUS Virtual Ideas and Dreambuilders Party - 75 mins
£547 – for 6 months
ï‚·Heart Coherence Meditation
Monthly Idea and Dreambuilders Partyï‚·
In which you will each individually have the opportunity to go through this potent and powerful accelerator process, supercharging the Laws of Vibration and Attraction for the highest good of all.
1. fine tune your vision
2. identify your block
3. turn up the volume on your attraction factor
4. source inspired SOUL-UTIONS from the group
5. announce and plan your next best step
These classes will literally sky-rocket your success in ways that will excite and delight you!